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How can I search for people that specialize in a specific industry field?

Looks like TermWiki has a large user base categorized by subject matter fields. However, I can't seem to find a place where I can search for these talents. Can someone help me out?
  • 분야/도메인: 인사(HR)
  • 카테고리:
  • Created: 13:01, 21 August 2011

답변 (1)

Robert Derbyshire

Hi Talent Hunter, I would recommend you to do a search for a topic in a specialized subject. From the search results, you can select the one for your industry and product category. The entry, which you can view in English or translated into a foreign language, will contain a box with details about the contributor, including the feedback they have received and the amount of entries they have created. From this information, as well as the quality of the entry itself, you can get a sense for whether you would like to work with this person. For more information, you can use the link to visit their user page, which may contain the person’s CV, their profile, links to their own website, and lists of terms they created in the past. You can get in touch with the person via the messaging feature.

22:38, 21 August 2011

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